What We Do
Development and Behavioural Paediatricians

- Speech delay
- Difficulty in social communication
- Social interaction difficulty
- Delay in fine motor skills
- Gross motor delay
- Delay in adaptive skills
- Learning difficulty
- Executive function difficulty
- Coordination difficulty
- Anxiety
- Emotional regulation difficulty
- Difficulty with attention
- Hyperactivity
- Impulsive behaviours
- Oppositional behaviours
- Cognitive rigidity
- Tics and Tourettes
- Depression
- Nocturnal enuresis or bed wetting
- Sleep difficulties
- Constipation
- Toileting difficulties
- Self-restricted diet
- Sensory difficulties
Your developmental paediatrician will speak to the child and the family. Your developmental paediatrician will work with family and daycare/school to gather information about the young person’s functioning at school, home and in the community.
In developmental paediatrics there are no set tests to provide a specific diagnosis. A child or young person’s functioning and differences are understood in the setting of environment (home, school, community), opportunities for development, genetic and psychosocial factors and biological factors. The developmental paediatrician lays a series of propositions or hypotheses to understand the functional predicament of the child. The developmental paediatrician works in partnership with parents, school and therapist to help the child function to their potential.
Telehealth/Case conferencing with schools and therapists to understand the child in the context of a biological hypothesis is also provided at CAYA DS. This enables us to set up support that helps the child function to their fullest potential. Therefore we are able to provide comprehensive longitudinal care and monitor growth in all domains.

Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Physician

Transition care

Eating disorder

Gender dysphoria

Menstrual health

Self harm

Sexual health

Substance use

Weight management

Executive dysfunction in high school & university

CAYA DS Also Provides Transition Care:
For cognitively capable individuals it involves developing medical literacy, compliance to medication, independence in seeking medical care and entering adulthood in the best possible physical and mental health. This sets the individual to a long, healthy and happy life.
We offer comprehensive cognitive and emotional assessments, including formal cognitive assessments such as WISC 5 and WIAT 3. Our team provides guidance on anxiety, emotional regulation, and executive function.
Group Programs
Children will have access to smaller groups (4 – 6) or larger groups (10 – 12) at a beginner, mid or advanced level. Children and young people who have participated in the programs will also have the option to advance to a coaching or a mentoring role.
Outreach Programs - Servicing Rural Australia
CAYA DS is passionate about bringing expert healthcare and support services all over Australia. Any general practitioner who wants to set up a shared care arrangement with our team is encouraged to do so. It is the responsibility of the general practitioner to organise a list of patients that require our services within a given area. The team will then travel to the area and provide initial assessment and plan for ongoing management to patients, utilising a room provided by the resident general practitioner, provided there is enough demand.
From here our team is more than willing to provide ongoing telehealth services and build shared care arrangemnt with the general practitioner. The team will be returning to physically review patients once a sufficient amount of time has passed (at least a year).
Special Schools
The response to medications used for attention, learning or emotional regulation as well as behaviour management plans for consistent results are best done in the school environment. The school setting is a safe place for the young person. The involved team and healthcare professionals can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the patient and their difficulties and make management plans which can work at school, therapy, family and community setting.